
Web Desiging

We give the best Services There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything […]
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Web Applications Development

Web Applications Development We develop user friendly, attractive, scalable, responsive and SEO friendly websites and web applications. On annual basis, with client’s permission we keep modifying your website, to keep up with fast changing technology.
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ICT Consultancy and Research

ICT Consultancy and Research We provide expert advice in a wide range of areas in ICT, these include; ICT Strategy Planning, Automation Assessment, Procurement, Re-engineering solutions, Business process Re-engineering, Information Systems audit, ICT Project Planning and Management and Information Security.
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Information Security Services

Information Security Services We help businesses achieve high levels of security across operations and processes through our range of Information Security Services. These services provide protection of sensitive data, confidentiality and help reduce business risks.
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General IT Supplies

General IT Supplies Towards becoming a ‘one stop shop’ for our clients solutions, Sarima has lately created the General supplies division to handle our clients general supplies needs. The division is responsible for supplies of ICT related items, these include accessories, hardware components, off the shelf software and general office stationery.
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